Paskar Alex, July 2016 Update

Peace of the Lord to you, dear brothers and sisters! 

In July I started my ministry by visiting four sick people of our church and sharing the Communion to them. I have read the Bible and their relatives who are not Christians were listening very carefully.

 I pray for my neighbor who was at the evangelism on July 2nd in Novoselitsa. He liked a lot the program at the evangelism but he is still not opened to accept Jesus as his Savior. He started to read the Bible after that, and we often have different conversations on what he reads. Our church raised some money for a family with 12 children from a village in Chernovtsy region. One of their children being bitten by a snake is in serious condition at hospital. 

We had a great joy in our family, as the fourth granddaughter was born to us. She is the third child of our daughter Alina and her husband Anatol. They named her Binedeta that in Italian means “Blessing”. Brother Pavel held the baby dedication. We wish her to be a real blessing for us and for the church, as her name is. 

We are planning a VBS for children on August 8th. We pray for more children to be present at the VBS, and may the Lord work at their hearts!

We pray for the PIEI camp in Boian, for the Bible teachers and for the tens who will study the Bible. We believe that God will work and many teens will accept Jesus in their hearts. 

Thank you for supporting us and praying for us. Thank you for praying for Ukraine. May the Lord bless you and reward you!

Love, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar