Valery Popov, July 2016 Update

May the peace of the Lord be with you every day!

At the beginning of July, there was a big outreach on the stadium in Novoselitsa. A few months ago all the churches in our district prayed and fasted for this evangelism. We praise the Lord that 12 people accepted the Lord at the evangelism, two ladies being from Novoselitsa. These ladies, aged 50, started to attend our church. One of them had the desire to be baptized this month, but I told her not to hurry but to pass the discipleship lessons first. Then we can organize another baptism this year as a live testimony for the town and a great holiday for our church. 

On July 18th we had a VBS that lasted a week. There were 59 children every day and enjoyed the Bible study, the contests and the games. I am thankful to God for our helpful leaders. Naomi, our daughter, taught English to one of the groups. The children liked the lessons a lot. On the sixth day we invited all the parents and they could see what their children have learnt during the week. There were 20 parents at the festival and they were really surprised of their children. I even saw tears at some of them. We pray for those children and for their parents to repent. I invited all the children to come to our Sunday school that will start in September. 

On July 31st we had a new testimonial baptism in our church. Three people from our church and three from Marshentsa confessed their faith in Jesus through the water of Baptism. It was a great holiday for us. We pray for the people who were baptized to be strengthened in their faith. We were sorry that sister Patricia couldn’t share with us that great joy. We pray for her to have a safe trip to the PIEI camp. We ask God’s blessing on her and on brother Mike during their stay in Ukraine. We believe that God will work wonderfully through them.

Thank you for supporting us in our ministry. May the Lord be praised for His great mercy on us! And may the Lord bless your sacrifice and reward you! My family greets you. 

Best wishes, Valery Popov