Vasil Preutesa, July 2016 Update

Dear brothers and sisters, 

Receive warm greetings from my family and the church in Fagadau.

At the beginning of July the Lord allowed to be two great outreaches: one on the stadium in Novoselitsa and another one on the stadium in Chernovtsy. The outreaches were with the participation of a group of singers “Hope” and a Canadian preacher George Daviduk. Several people, whom I invited, from Vanchikauts were at the evangelism. 

 I talked to several young men and invited them to church. They started to read the Bible and underlined the places they didn’t understand well. I urged them to start reading the New Testament first, and when they don’t understand something, to note in a notebook and ask me when we meet next time. 

Also, this month I visited many sick people, at home and in the hospital. I had a lot of conversations with the patients at hospital; we prayed together, sang songs and read the Bible. I also urged them to go to church.

We had VBS at church where six girls and two boys, all from third grade, attended the Bible study. I pray for these children to get changed hearts from God. 

Dear brothers, please pray for me and my health, as I have to get drugs every three months. The drugs are very expensive. I thank the Lord for brother Pavel and sister Larisa Petihacny; for their encouragement and support in the ministry. May the Lord bless them! We pray for sister Patricia and for the PIEI camp. 

Thank you for everything you do for me. 

Love, brother Vasil Preutesa, pastor missionary in fagadau and Vanchikauts villages.