In June I invited a lot of people from the village Fagadau to the mega outreach that was on July 2nd and 3rd on the stadiums in Novoselitsa and Chernovtsy. All month we prayed for specific people on each member’s prayer list, and then we visited all those people. We gave them invitations, told them all details concerning the evangelism: the program, how long it will last and the details about the transport. We told them that all is free, including the transport, from them it is required only their time and desire, as our Lord Jesus gave us His salvation for free too. On June 27th I stood by the central store I Fagadau and shared invitations to the mega outreach to all who entered the shop. I pray for all who received invitations to the outreach to get an opened heart for the Lord.
I visited a sister, member of our church at the hospital in Novoselitsa. There I met an old friend who was a doctor but who was in hospital too because he had serious problems with blood pressure and with his heart. He told me he was almost to die. I told him about God’s mercy and my trials during my illness. I told him that it is only God’s mercy that I am alive today; and the reason I am alive is to tell everybody about Jesus, the Real Doctor who can heal both the body and the soul. I prayed for this doctor and invited him to our church.