In June, we ordained as a pastor one of the graduated students from the Institute of Theology. Brother Igor became a blessing to the church in the village of Kotileu where he is pastoring now. Since he started his ministry in the church in Cotileu, there are many unsaved visitors from the village come to hear brother's Igor faith building messages.
Besides, I visited 19 pastors from the Novoselitsa district and offered them my support and my encouragement. My wish is that their local churches be full with converted people. I helped another family refugee from Donetsk to find shelter in one of the villages of our region. We found them a house in a village with a church so they and their three children could go to church and serve the Lord.
We plan in August to visit all the orphanages in Chernovtsy region and give them charity aid. Please, pray for us to be able to do this work through God’s power. In addition, with the camp leaders we are preparing the program for the PIEI camp that will be from August 1 to August 6th. We pray for the PIEI teachers who will teach the Word of God, for the leaders that will work with the young people and children in the camp, as well we pray for protection of everything evil and may the Lord keep all of us in His almighty hand.` Please keep praying for us. We need your prayers.
Thank you for your spiritual and financial support.
Best wishes, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny