The main ministry work in June in Nesvoia church was preparations for baptism that will be on July 5th. We rejoiced especially for a young girl, Sorina, who accepted the Lord last Sunday and wishes to be baptized now too. Sorina’s mother is a school principal. She told us that she wanted to accept the Lord long before, but her mother forbade her to do that, telling not to shame her. First she was touched two years ago in the PIE camp, then she started to attend our church regularly, being involved even in the youth ministry. She confessed that many times God spoke to her, but every time she remembered her mother’s words not to shame her, so she hesitated in her decision. But last Sunday, the God’s Word was so strong that she hadn’t put into account her mother’s words and went in front and repented. She is so happy to have Jesus in her heart! She asked us to pray for her to be able to be baptized and for her parents to know Jesus as she did.
Thank you for supporting us. Be blessed.
Love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny