In May I had the opportunity to drive my car in different places and share the Gospel to the unsaved people. First of all I drove my granddaughter, Julia, to school where I had the opportunity to meet many teachers I knew before. They asked me how I feel after the 8th surgery. I told them that God is great and has mercy, so I am alive. I preached them from the epistle of James.
At the end, Mrs. Sylvia (a teacher) said to me: ‘Indeed God is great, because we see how wonderful God has worked with you, Vasil. There are many people who don’t resist so many surgeries, but you are so happy and love life as if nothing has happened to you.’ I answered them that God has shown his glory by the disease that I have and it is written in the Gospel, “For he who trusts in the LORD will not be ashamed.” I am weak, but the Lord is GREAT. I share the miracle in my life with all people, invite them to church and pray for each person to whom I told about Jesus.
Love, brother Vasil Preutesa