I greet you with the peace of our Lord!
In February God has helped me to work in His field preaching the Gospel, doing Bible studies with the youth of our church and visiting the sick of the church.
We have great joy in our family. Alina and Anatol had their third baby-boy, Lucas. So on the second Sunday of the month we had the baby’s dedication in the church held by brother Pavel Petihachny. The youth and the children’s team had a special program of praise and worship. I am glad that on this occasion there were several guests from the community who liked the service a lot. They were very interested in what happens at our blessing ceremony.
We also had a wedding ceremony in the church and again, we had a lot of guests in the church that had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. We pray for everybody who heard the Gospel to be touched by Holy Spirit.
Our church has been gathering money to send to the south-eastern part of Ukraine. We all pray for the situation in Ukraine. We know that you pray for us and appreciate your support. May God bless you and thank you for everything you do for us. We love you and pray for you.
Lots of love, your brother in Christ, Alexa Pascar