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By the grace of God I want to share with you a few words in these difficult times. This month I can write as the churches weren’t closed until a few days ago by a state of emergency given throughout the country. This month and I believe that the next one we may do short visits to a few people, but we have a promise in the Word of God that where there are two or three are gathered in His name, He is present.

In the Roma villages where I do ministry, I shared an encouragement from the Word of the Lord. Because they are very poor and they have no food, medicines, and clothing. I bought what I could to give them what they need. I know that if you care about the physical needs of people, they open up to their spiritual need as well.
Please pray for one person from the Rotunda village, Nicolae Maruntelu. His life depends on an air machine. If he doesn’t use it non-stop, he will die suffocated. He cannot come to the church. I want to visit him more often at home and to give him medication.

This month we had a program with the girls from orphanage. In April the orphanage will be closed. We can't meet physically, but we will keep in touch by phone.

I would like to say that now we have the opportunity more than ever to enter our prayer room and pray! On my prayer list I would remember the Romania and US PIE Committee, Ed and Diana family, Matei Scheau and Sister Naomi, Sister Marioara Barac with her large and beautiful family. We pray for you in these difficult times. God bless you!

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary