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I begin with the traditional greeting: CHRIST IS RISEN!

Regarding the situation we are going through as the CHURCH all over the globe, I only say: THE LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST IS IN CONTROL. Nothing happens to us except what He allows.

Reflecting on a few things that I have lived through and live in today, at first I would think I could do nothing; but after I prayed the LORD JESUS ​​opened doors and unexpected opportunities opened for me. To be more explicit, because I am 70 years old I am only allowed to be out of my house for two hours a day. However, it turned out that these are enough in the hand of GOD. We have learned to give our little to Him even if it is only two hours. When I am at home, I pray. I talk a lot on the phone with many Christians, and we encourage each other.

After many talks on the phone with Christians in the villages and the girls from the orphanage, I became aware of their needs and by the grace of God I prepared for the villages of Rotunda and Valea Dumiresti forty bags of food and some sweets. I distributed them on two separate days. In the village of Rotunda I used the house of a Christian, and in the village of Valea Dumiresti I used the church for distribution. It's hard to describe the atmosphere, their joy in seeing me, and their tears.

Also, God has put in the hearts of the girls at the orphanage to meet every night to sing and pray. I want to assure you that you are in their prayers.

I’m praying for you, for the PIEI Committee in Romania and the USA, for the Ed and Diana family, sister Marioara Barac, Matei Scheau and sister Naomi, etc.

With special love in Jesus Christ,
Traian Chilau - PIEI missionary