As I make this update about the current month, it’s difficult for me to summarize all my missionary activity.

I know that many of you pray for my health. At this time the liver transplant is doing very well. This year will be five years since the operation. I cannot find words to thank God for the mercy I received.

I would like to share with you that I had the joy to be part of a wedding. A boy from our church married a girl from Moldova (a family of 17 brothers and sisters, all faithful, she being the youngest).

Another work going beyond expectations is the work with children at the orphanage. Our plan is to have a team of workers to handle the mission within the orphanage. The proposed objective is that when the Lord Jesus returns, the whole orphanage will remain empty. I do not know what Christians as a whole believe, but these girls believe wholeheartedly that the return of the Lord Jesus will be soon. Even if they are not highly educated, I personally think they will shine in heaven.

Another joy I have is going to the Roma villages with my wife. I do not know why God has put in my heart to go these places, but I am attracted to these people. I have received invitations to go to bigger churches with several hundred people, but I prefer these villages with a small group of people in churches.

Another goal I have, and this seems hard, is to make new disciples for God. I pray that I receive grace in this regard because already church planting and discipling new workers is important and necessary. Pray with me to find people available to God.

In the end I would like to tell you that you are all in my prayers: the PIEI committee in Romania and USA. I cannot forget the ED and DIANA family, which I thank for all their help, sister Marioara Barac, Matei Scheau family, sister Naomi, etc.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary