By the grace of God we have started a new year, and we do not know if we will finish it. I say this because the return of Jesus is near.

I would like to start with my health, because I know that I‘m in the prayers of many of you. This month I was scheduled at Fundeni Hospital, to evaluate the liver transplant. The analysis came out unexpectedly well. I give praise to the Lord Jesus!

In the Roma villages, after distributing Christmas presents in December (a great opportunity to pour a bit of joy into the hearts of many children and adults), this month God put on my heart to give food bags to poor families. These are staple foods like oil, flour, sugar, rice, tomato pasta, marmalade, etc. In the village of Rotunda we had the opportunity to enter peoples’ homes and see how these people live. They were impressed that we prayed in their home for their specific needs. I believe that God has taught us to proclaim the gospel, not only in the church, but also in homes, even if this is a hard thing to do but worthwhile. I am convinced that this will be seen in Heaven when Jesus comes with His reward.

Another joy that I have is the work at the orphanage. I will say that the girls are praying for a camp with Gabi Stef. Although I know nothing about it, they are very glad that ten girls will go to camp this summer.

In the end, I pray for all of you who are partners in the ministry here. I pray first of all for Ed and Diana, the PIE committee from Romania and US, sister Marioara Barac, Matei Scheau family, and Sister Naomi etc. May Jesus reward you with everything you need.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary