June 2017

I thank the Lord that in the month of June 2017 there were activities with major impact in Sard, Telna and Bucerdea. On June 20th and 21st we had teams from the US visit the sick and the poor outside the church. It was a great opportunity to speak to their families about the Lord Jesus, and to pray for the sick. They were very receptive. We had activities for children, songs, outdoor games and crafts. There were over 40 children.

May 2017

I write this update with a certain level of sadness because the children from Telna are not attending the English classes. I noticed a decrease in participation until only the children of the church members attended. I don’t know the reason yet; the priest intervened or the parents don’t allow them to come anymore, or some don’t want to. We will continue to keep in touch with them since we have a special meeting with them on June 20th and 21st with various activities, and summer camp June 26th-30th. We pray that the Lord would give us wisdom and methods by which we can keep connected with them.

April 2017

In the month of April 2017, together with the team of sisters who visit the sick, we visited six families in Telna. These are families who do not come to church. I noticed that the ones who are the most receptive to the Gospel are the sick, so as we visit them, we have the opportunity to talk with them about Lord Jesus. In this way, we are a testimony for their neighbors and for the entire village.

March 2017

With God’s help, we continued evangelism services in Telna on Sundays, since we saw that people were interested in attending and listening to the Word of God. As a result of conversations with them, some said that they like it at our church a lot, how the Word of God is explained so they understand, but when they must make a decision, they delay. The one who can convict people of their sinful nature is only the Holy Spirit. We pray the He does that in these people.

February 2017

In the month of February, with God’s help, we organized four evangelism services in Telna. There were about forty nonbelievers participating every evening. A month before this, we established a chain of prayer and fasting, and prayed that the Holy Spirit would convict the people of their need for salvation. I am glad that as a result of these evangelistic services, a man and a woman continue to come to church, and we pray that they decide to follow the Lord.

Updates from January

n the first week of January, we held a special time of prayer and fellowship among all churches in the pastoral circle. With God’s help we also continued Bible school and the English classes with the children in Telna. There are 16 children participating. We pray that the Holy Spirit touches their heart and their parents’ as well.

News from December

On 18th of December 2016, Sunday afternoon we were supposed to have a Christmas carol concert followed by a message from the Bible, at the Cultural House in Mesentea, but we have had the unpleasant surprise to be unapproved by the City Hall. We continue to pray and believe that the Lord will bring the day when we enter that house.

News from November

With God’s help, we continued the chapel construction project in the village of Bucerdea throughout the month of November, and then stopped when cold weather started, and when our funds ran out.

We had Bible School with the children in Telna, and I was so glad to see how eager they were to participate. We pray that the Holy Spirit would mould their characters. 

News from October

Wth the Lord’s help, in Bucerdea we built a large restroom, much needed (replacing the outhouse). This restroom is inside the church building. In Bucerdea, the construction field stays open because we started building a chapel for funeral services, useful to the church. In Telna, we painted indoors, replaced the ceiling, and painted and reupholstered the benches. In Sard, we put tile on the exterior stairs along with railing for the elderly.

Tani Nemes - July Newsletter

I thank the Lord for health and guidance in the ministry for this month.

On Thursdays and Fridays, together with the brothers and sisters we meet for prayer and bible study. We pray for unsaved husbands, for unsaved children.

We pray for the ministry with kids in Telna and Bucerdea.

We pray for unsaved people in Mesentea and Benic, who accepted to talk with us about the need of Lord Jesus.