With God’s help, we continued the chapel construction project in the village of Bucerdea throughout the month of November, and then stopped when cold weather started, and when our funds ran out.
We had Bible School with the children in Telna, and I was so glad to see how eager they were to participate. We pray that the Holy Spirit would mould their characters.
I met with the group of women/sisters in Telna and Bucerdea for a time of Bible study and for a conversation about ways to get closer to people. I was very glad that these women decided that during wintertime to visit two sick persons a week, to get to know them, their needs and to talk with them about the Lord Jesus.
We had three days of evangelism in Bucerdea during the funeral service of one of our brothers. Many non-believers participated and had the opportunity to hear the Word of God.
On Nov 20th I preached at an evangelism service at the church in Ponorel where Florin Botar serves. I pray that the seed sowed there would bring fruit for God’s glory. On Nov 26th I was invited to speak at the Baptist church in the City of Buzias, Timis. I thank God for all these opportunities to preach the Gospel.
I have submitted a request with the city hall of Galda De Jos to organize a Christmas concert on Dec 18th. This concert would include carols and a Biblical message. We pray for this event.
I thank the Lord for His guidance in the ministry, and also thank the Trinity Church for their prayer and financial support. We also thank the Lord for answering prayer; we are glad that brother Jenu is doing better, and we continue to pray for brother Gabi Cuc.
Prayer Needs:
- That the Lord would provide the necessary funds for the chapel in Bucerdea
- For the women who visit the sick, that they would continue to do this ministry
- For steadfastness for the children in Telna
- For the Christmas concert and the evangelism service in Mesentea
May God bless all the PIE members, and may the birth of Jesus bring you many blessings and peace!