News from December

On 18th of December 2016, Sunday afternoon we were supposed to have a Christmas carol concert followed by a message from the Bible, at the Cultural House in Mesentea, but we have had the unpleasant surprise to be unapproved by the City Hall. We continue to pray and believe that the Lord will bring the day when we enter that house.

On December 24th, together with a group of brothers and sisters went caroling in Mesentea and Benic, spreading the news of Jesus’ birth.

 I was involved in the construction work of a widow sister’s house, which is having Parkinson disease. Sister Ana has lived in a house made up of clay. With God’s help, the new house has been finished before Christmas and she was able to move inside a good and warmed up house.

I visited sick people and unsaved ones, talking about Lord Jesus, praying with them. Together with a group of brothers and sisters we have bought food and given to needy persons for Christmas. The last day of the year, the brothers and sisters in Telna have invited their unsaved families to church, and after the service we have had lunch all together. We had a great time talking with them, sharing the experiences had with the Lord.

I thank the Lord for health and power to serve; I thank Trinity Church for prayers and financial support.

I wish you all involved in PIE a blessed spiritual and material year!

Prayer needs:

-                the mission in Mesentea and Benic;

-                the ministry with kids in Telna;


God bless you!

Traian Nemes