Tani Nemes - July Newsletter

I thank the Lord for health and guidance in the ministry for this month.

On Thursdays and Fridays, together with the brothers and sisters we meet for prayer and bible study. We pray for unsaved husbands, for unsaved children.

We pray for the ministry with kids in Telna and Bucerdea.

We pray for unsaved people in Mesentea and Benic, who accepted to talk with us about the need of Lord Jesus.

I have visited the sick b rothers and sisters, at home and in hospital, encouraging them.


I have continued the English lessons and bible school at Telna, we will have vacation until September.

With God’s help I have managed to find financial support for kids who wanted to go to camp, but had limited financial possibilities. I have sent 9 kids, some of them were outside the church.

I have talked again with Vasile and Angela, for sharing their house during the evangelization service in august. I pray for the brothers and sisters involved in the mission team to feel encouraged although no one has decided for the Lord.

I thank Trinity church for financial support and prayers. I thank the Lord for all PIE workers who are involved in the ministry of PIE.

Prayer needs:

-       Vasile and Angela to remain determined in sharing their house for the evangelization;

-       For the kids who went to camp;

-       The mission teams to be encouraged;

-       For me and my family

God bless you!