Building and strengthening relationships with women and children that we ministry to it is a very important thing. We had a day trip with the children from the village of Maldaieni to the Roman ruins in Corabia. Time of learning very interesting things from history but also having fun and getting to know each other better. We had pizza together and a summery splash in the Danube.

Finished the day with an icecrem and a valuble lesson about the blessing of obedience and the consequences of disobedience. Lots of joy in the van talking, singing, telling jokes on the way there and back.

Will appreciate if you can take a moment and pray for the ministry in Maldaieni that people will give their life to Jesus and there will be a permanent minister in that village.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary


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After many years the Lord have granted me the desire to have a written scripture on the wall. Thank you Lord. But, not just that, Sarah Davis the talented girl who wrote it has a specific calling from the Lord to come and work along side us at Spero Designs in order to impact the community trough jobs and the Gospel, another wish granted. Please take a minute and pray for Sarah that everything will go smooth and she will come to Romania in October this year. We need her in our team and in the ministry. Thank Lord for Sarah. Thank you for praying. God bless you!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary



We had a great week for children ministry. Did 5 days of day camp in 5 different mission locations. There were about 180 children that heard about "the kingdom of haven as a treasure".

We had lunch together, many fun games, 7 workshops and fun prizes for all of them. The help and support of friends from USA and Nigeria made the day camp a wonderful time for the children. Praise the Lord for providing the funds and the people to organise the camp.

Praise the Lord for taking care of us and there were no accidents or problems. Please take a minute to say a prayer for the salvation of each child that came at the camp and the families that were represented by them.

Thank you for reading and praying. God bless you!

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Baby Expo

Spero Designs a small ministry among big brands at Baby Boom in Bucharest :) It might make people think what were we doing there, and I tend to agree that it didn't seem that we were part of that place, but once again we could see that the Lord was with us and blessed us. 

It was definitely a challenge that we had to take to conquer ourselves in order to make our little growing steps. Some of you heard our story about this big show and supported us in prayer while we were at the show. Thank you very much

About the show. Over all, looking back it was a very good experience. I have learned many things. I felt that the Lord has thrown me into the deep end, out of my comfort zone. I never wanted to sell, I don't like selling but by being there I had to over come my self as there was ONLY one way to go for me, and that was "Forward" . I had to start selling on a "cold" market, to people who came to that show looking for something else. I had to present a product " Reusable food wraps" to a market that never heard of it or ever been interested in it and make them buy it, and quite many bought it. This make me think of this experience as a SUCCES. We sold a bit of everything but the top sold product was the Food Wraps. The Lord blessed us, was with us. Thank you for your partnership in this and for your prayers.

We are now preparing to go to another big show in May. 

Please take a minute and pray for a SUCCES at the Baby Expo show in May. 

Thank you very much.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Spero Designs Ministry

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As Spero Designs is a ministry in the first place we seek to share the Gospel with the women in different ways and create opportunities for that.

We are praying nearly everyday together and read a passage from the Bible nearly every week. Last week we read Isaiah 53 as we were approaching Easter. We read together but they don't fully understand as their spiritual eyes are closed to the Gospel.

Please take a minute and say a prayer for Sonia, Lucica, Ani, that their spiritual eyes will open and they will see the truth and find God.

Thank you very much. God bless you

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Spero Design - Reusable Food Wraps


Spero Designs is making small steps all the time.  The Lord has put on the heart of different dear brothers and sisters to support this ministry and help us on the journey of helping women in our community provide for their families.

This month we have finalised the production of "reusable food wraps" and sent our first shipment to Amazon.

 In 2016 when Diana, a friend from America first told me about the reusable bees wax food wrap i never thought that we will end up making it. It took two more years until the idea seemed a good prospect for a business that could provide income opportunities for women in our community.

  When the Lord sent Tudor and Daniela to move and help with the ministry, I felt that now we can start working on it. So we started with finding a name, design the fabric, design the packaging, choose the colors make the recipe find the most effective production techniques and finally send the first shipment to Amazon.

 We are still learning in order to perfect them even more but so far we had positive feed back and many people bought them. 

 As you can imagine selling on Amazon is a pretty big step to take as it is  a very unknown territory that requires study and growth. We feel challenged, small and frail but we know that we serve a Great God and He has plans for us to bless us and He cares and loves the people.

This is an evangelistic ministry that shares God's love in a practical and tangible way. Women learn to trust us more when we say : God loves you!

Please join us in prayer and take a minute right now and pray for this ministry, pray for us that we will have wisdom and see all that we need to do in order to sell more and help provide income opportunities to women. Please pray that the Lord will touch more people to join us and support this ministry. 

Thank you so much

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Day Trips


Summer is quickly approaching and we are bit by bit preparing for the different events that we'll have for the children.

We plan to have a few day trips to visit museums not to far from us. Day trips are not just fun but it helps us grow more closer to each other and build long lasting relationships. 

We also plan for a summer day camp. This time will be in three villages Icoana, Comani and Maldaieni. We will be taking children from other children groups to be part of the camp. We estimate over 100 children in total that will hear the Gospel again. We will be working with other friends from USA and Canada that come to visit us. 

Please take a minute and pray for us that the Lord will guide us trough all the preparations provide for all that we need  and that the children will have a memorable life changing experience.

In the picture is Florina, Dorothy and Veronica planning for the summer time.

Thank you very much

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

My God is so Big and so Strong and so Mighty

This time we are in Icoana with the children from Draganesti and Icoana together. They faithfully finished a series of Bible lessons that were meant to help them understand a bit more clearly that God is near, involved and you can actually know God, experience God, trust God and build a relationship with God. 

After testing their knowledge with questions we played and had fun, had hot dogs for lunch and deserts.  It was a beautiful day together where children could make new friends something that it seemed to be not so easy at the beginning of the games. I was so happy to see them conquering the shyness and being nice and friendly to each other even if they didnt know each other.

“My God is so Big and so Strong and so mighty" is a very known song but the new version that we learned this time it just made our day and went viral for few days after this day. 

You might enjoy it too! this is the link:

Please take a minute and pray for the salvation of the children in Draganesti and Icoana that all the knowledge about God will not go over them but actually change their life and have a authentic relationship with God.

Thank you very much.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

The Greatest Gift

Happy children in Maldaieni to have finished the Bible course book "The Greatest Gift" and receive a diploma at the end of the course.

As a reward of well attendance and to strengthen relationship with them we went to the park together, played games had pizza and have much fun. 

Please take a minute and say a prayer for the children Ministry in Maldaieni for the salvation of these children and their families.

Thank you so much

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Kids ministry in Maldaeni

When I told the children in Maldaieni that the new memory verse is going to be few meters long they laughed, but soon they found out that I was serious :)

 See the picture and convince yourself :))

It was a fun way to memorize a Bible verse after learning about that God loves us and He wants us to love Him and to love other people.

This lesson came at the right time as we also made cards for a child from foster care that had a suicide attempt and we wanted him to see that we think of him and he is important and God loves Him. 

We ended up having a bag of handmade cards and went to visit the boy at home.

 Please pray for Antonio that the Lord will touch his heart and give him a purpose and hope in Him.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Luke 10:27 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

First time

It was for the first time when women from church in Maldaieni had spent some time together for Mothers day. We usually use this celebration in order to invite and meet new women from the community to get to know them and share the Gospel. We were only a small group of us but had a beautiful time together, had nice homemade cake, chated a lot, shared experiences and read from Ps 139. We talked about the fact that we are so precious and important to God and that God sees us. 

Thank you Lord for loving us so much. 

Please take a minute right now and pray for the women who heard the Gospel on this day.

Florina Darvell - PIEI MIssionary

Going to them


We are so happy that the Lord blessed us with a beautiful sunny day on Saturday when we had planned to go out on the streets in Maldaieni and take the Good News to people and pray for them. We were 28 of us, romanians, americans young and middle aged. Made 4 groups and went all over the village of Maldaieni. Met many people willing to talk and listen and ask questions. Met people who were crying and in need of a kind word and a warm hug. Met people who made doughnuts especially for us as they were so happy to meet us and heare the good news. Met people who said they would like to know more about Jesus. We will continue to keep in touch with those that showed more interest.

For all these people please pray that the Lord will work salvation in their hearts.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

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At least 300

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With people from Church, made over 300 flowers ready for Mothers Day.  Gave them out on the street and shops. The women were pleasantly surprised and very happy to receive them.  Only one person turned me down when she heard that we are from the Baptist Church. Other then that it was a nice experience to see many women smiling and receiving the flower with joy.

On the leaf it says : The beauty of a women is her kindness- Proverbs 19:22 The word of God and our prayers have reached at least 300 homes and hearts. Please pray that the Lord will use this little gift to touch their hearts and rise an interest in knowing God.

Time together

A day out in Slatina with a group of girls from Coteana. We enjoyed just chatting, walking in the park taking pictures, eating together and laughing- just being together and having fun ( Stefi, Bianca, Alexandra, Georgiana) and Oana a old friend and disciple of mine. 

My heart's prayer is that they will come to know the Lord as their personal Lord and Saviour. Please join me in this prayer.  

Please pray that these girls will come to know the Lord.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Important to know your calling

In 2005 after praying I chose to study International business, I didn't understand at that time how this will benefit the mission work but I trusted the Lord. In 2015 when the Lord provided our mistry with a location - Nehemiah House-Nehemiah 2:18, I was in OWE thinking: Lord what are you going to do? Wen I look back to how the Lord has provided so many times for Spero Designs ladies I am amazed of His wonderful and practical care and I know that He has a plan to prosper this ministry. 

I often remember the time when God called and directed me into ministry. These and many other very important moments in the Spero Designs history helps me move on and continue to believe in times of discouragement. 

Please pray for me that the Lord will refresh the vision He gave me of 5000 people reached trough this ministry and that the Lord will show me the next step.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

It costs to say "YES"

When I go shopping for Spero Designs about 90 % of the time the sellers will tell me their best price for the products but when I am about to pay and I ask for a receipt then I get the real price. If I want a receipt then I have to pay 20% extra for the VAT. It is normal to pay for the VAT but when you are given the low price at first and facing the choice of paying less versus paying more it makes you think..Do you want the receipt still? YES! 

I always feel victorious thinking that I pay the real price for Jesus and God knows every little detail.

Please pray for me that I will always have the courage to stand up for the right things in the name of Jesus.

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

Write the word on your heart!

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Last Sunday our family went to visit the church in Maldaieni and be part of the morning service. This church is led by a local believer and his family. They are only about 16 people in the church but passionate for the Lord. Our visit It was  not only  encouraging for them but for us as well. Hearing the 6 children of the family who serves in this mission point, reciting whole chapters memorized from the Scripture, it was so encouraging but also realised that we must be memorizing God's Word more. 

Florina Darvell - PIEI Missionary

When it seems impossible!

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At Spero Designs we are working on creating more jobs for mothers and other women in the community. At first It seemed impossible the idea of having a custom designed fabric for our “Organic reusable food wraps” but the Lord surprised us and answered prayers according to His Sovereignty. We now have our custom design organic fabric and very encouraged by God and God's people, are going to the next step marketing the product and see how it blesses other people.

After a vacation we have started the new year with enthusiasm and passion to serve people and children and take the Gospel to many more. Your prayers and our hands will work again together for Gods Kingdom in the South of Romania. Continue to remember us in your prayers: Mark, Florina David and Ruben.

Matthew 18:19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Darvell Family - Major dates for 2018

David is our blessing gift on, 9/11/2010- turned 8

Ruben is our Christmas gift, born on Christmas Eve 2011. - turned 7

Mark and I celebrated 10 years of marriage in Nov. 

Thank you Father for yet another year keeping us well in your loving arms. 

Thank you all for your loving support and staying with us all this time.

Mark, Florina, David and Ruben

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6th week and another year


We are now coming up to our 6th week of weekly Bible study in the workshop. Please pray that Sonia and Lucica will open their hearts and receive the Word for their salvation.


With many experiences of God's care and providence we have finished another year of providing work and employment for two women in our community. Many of you have been actively involved in this evangelism through business, by praying, donating and ordering from us.

 Thank you very much to everyone involved, please continue to stay alongside us, and by God's grace this coming year will extend employment to more people that are working with us but not yet on a daily basis, and more will come in contact with the Gospel in this way also.

We were pleasantly surprise to see few more people giving for Spero Designs project " Give once bless twice". This provide the women with work, and some needs people with donated items. Thank you everyone who gave. Pictures soon. See about the project here: Spero Design Video

Please check our latest product, it is very popular among people who love healthy, eco friendly sustainable solutions. Thank you to Randy and Debbie for their immense support in this project. Check it here:

Florina and Mark Darvell