6th week and another year


We are now coming up to our 6th week of weekly Bible study in the workshop. Please pray that Sonia and Lucica will open their hearts and receive the Word for their salvation.


With many experiences of God's care and providence we have finished another year of providing work and employment for two women in our community. Many of you have been actively involved in this evangelism through business, by praying, donating and ordering from us.

 Thank you very much to everyone involved, please continue to stay alongside us, and by God's grace this coming year will extend employment to more people that are working with us but not yet on a daily basis, and more will come in contact with the Gospel in this way also.

We were pleasantly surprise to see few more people giving for Spero Designs project " Give once bless twice". This provide the women with work, and some needs people with donated items. Thank you everyone who gave. Pictures soon. See about the project here: Spero Design Video

Please check our latest product, it is very popular among people who love healthy, eco friendly sustainable solutions. Thank you to Randy and Debbie for their immense support in this project. Check it here: https://www.facebook.com/sperodesigns/videos/301254447173323/

Florina and Mark Darvell