When it seems impossible!

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At Spero Designs we are working on creating more jobs for mothers and other women in the community. At first It seemed impossible the idea of having a custom designed fabric for our “Organic reusable food wraps” but the Lord surprised us and answered prayers according to His Sovereignty. We now have our custom design organic fabric and very encouraged by God and God's people, are going to the next step marketing the product and see how it blesses other people.

After a vacation we have started the new year with enthusiasm and passion to serve people and children and take the Gospel to many more. Your prayers and our hands will work again together for Gods Kingdom in the South of Romania. Continue to remember us in your prayers: Mark, Florina David and Ruben.

Matthew 18:19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.