June 2017

Thank you for reading our news letter, your prayers are very important for us and we are most grateful for the part that you take in Spreading the Good News in Southern Romania. God bless you.

Month of June was quite hot here in Romania. We were blessed with a team of friends from America and Nigeria that helped us in children ministry and digging a ditch for getting running water inside the house/church. 

Because it was such a hot month we had to have the children ministry manly in the evening. it is always a great joy seeing children coming to play with us and listen stories about Jesus but it often leaves us with a certain sadness that they don't come to have a personal relationship with Jesus. this is also one of the prayer points: children to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. 

Showing God's love in a tangible way to women that are in need of jobs in order to provide for their families. I love this ministry, being around the women 5 days a week, it gives me the opportunity to hear and share in a more personal way about Jesus. There are 2 women that are working in our workshop, none of them are born again believers. Please pray for Sonia and Lucica to come to know the Lord.

We came a cross a need of better sowing machines, the Lord has used people with an open heart to this kind of needs to donate enough money to purchase four of the second hand industrial machines.  

Please pray for this project to grow and expend so more women can benefit from it. Also please pray for more people that have the knowledge and are willing to come and impart with us from their experience in sewing, crocheting and knitting or any other hand craft that can be sold or a profit.

Please pray for the children summer camp that

 is about to start on the 25th of July. The theme is the Kingdom of Haven. one again pray for the children's salvation and their parents.

 Few other activities in order to take the Gospel to people were street Evangelism, home visits and fellowship evenings. 

Please pray for us, that do the work to remain, faithful, deligent and wise in the work we do and many to come to God.


Thank you so much.

Mark and FLorina Darvell