September 2017

The van

By God’s grace we sold our problematic van and with the same amount of money we bought another one: a Ford (2004). It works well and we are most grateful to the Lord.


Mark is working on some rust that needs dealing with.


Youth ministry - we had a youth outing for an event in Alba Lulia.  It was a good time for the strengthening of relationships and an opportunity for the young people to hear the Gospel once more.

Ladies’ ministry - A day out for the women in Coteana. We laughed, talked, had treats, sang, prayed, read the Bible and had a great time together walking through the park in Coteana.

Spero Designs - We took the ladies Sonia and Lucica from Spero Designs to Alba Lulia, to a friend of mine who sews bed sheets, in order for them to learn some things and get some work. On the way there I made sure that once again I shared the good news of the Gospel with them. It was a truly blessed time that strengthened our relationship more.


With the ladies at Spero we focused recently on bunting. We are very pleased as it seems to pick up well. It is a blessing for the women.

Children’s Outreach - Coteana

All summer long, every Saturday, we met with the children in Coteana in the park.

Please pray for their salvation.


We plan to start a mandolin children orchestra for the children in Coteana. We hope that it will be a great tool to get more children coming and also coming to know the Lord. A brother from Sibiu will come and teach the mandolin.

Please pray for the whole amount to buy the mandolins. We have enough for two at the moment. We need a minimum of 10.

Caracal - 20 year celebration of the Baptist church

Last Sunday we took some people from Coteana to a 20 year celebration of the Baptist church in Caracal.

This was another opportunity for them to be encouraged in their faith, strengthened in their relationships and eventually give their lives to Jesus

Friendships and discipleship – village of Comani

We enjoyed a nice day in the park with Jenica, her children and Alexe’s youngest son, Petru.

Jenica has never been to a park - she loved it and the children did as well.

She is more and more open to the Gospel. She prays every morning and is reading the Bible daily. God is good!

Mark and Florina Darvell work in rural South Romania, planting churches, running evangelistic children’s programmes and reaching out to the community through practical projects