April 2017

Blessed be the Heavenly Father for His care for us in the month of April. I worked in Sohodol, Ponorel, Baia de Aries and Abrud (at two orphanage houses). While celebrating Easter, I went to these orphan children to take clothes and food (fruit, sweets and more). It was a great opportunity to talk with the children and with the administration staff about Jesus’ resurrection.  Before Easter, Cornel and Gabi visited us, and we went together to visit some of the families in Ponorel. During these visits there was lots of encouragement, and our fellowship was great. For us and for the  church in Ponorel it was a great blessing to have Brother Cornel at the church service on Easter Day (photo).

This month I also participated at the PIE conference in Alba Iulia, a special time to build up our faith. I learned many new things about creation. I am thankful for everything that took place there.

Prayer Support:

·       For my family: good health and divine guidance

·       For sister Lidia from Sohodol, who has health problems

·       For Adi and Cristina (non-believers) from Ponorel

·       For the Bar Family in Baia de Aries

·       For the orphan children in Abrud

With all the love in the Name of the Lord Jesus,

Pastor Florin Botar