May 2017

Praise God for the kindness He has shown to us this month. I have continued to visit the brothers and sisters in Ponorel and Sohodol, and set up weekly meetings with non-believers.

In Sohodol I meet with Mr. Nicu and his wife, and with Mr. Ioanea and his wife, people who like spending time with us talking from the Word of God. They, at times, attend church.

In Ponorel, there are Mrs. Rodica, Craciun and Iulica, as well as Sister Adriana’s husband (Jicu, non-believer), and the family of Brother Mircea, all non-believers.

This month I had a special experience in Sohodol. Brother Mastan, a man who fell from faith for many years, and for whom the church prayed for a long time, the day before he died, he confessed all his sins. His prayer, with deep aguish before God, impressed me and his family. I believe that he found forgiveness with God during the last moments of life. His wife has strong faith, and her life with God has been a great example for him.

The church in Ponorel is praying for Brother Aurel who is very sick. The last time he was in the hospital I talked with one of his sons and encouraged him to put his faith in God. He wasn’t a believer.

I also visited the children in the orphanage in Abrud.

Thank you for all the prayer support and for the generosity you have shown to me and for God’s ministry every month. May He who is rich in goodness reward you hundred-fold.

Pastor Florin Botar