March 2017

Blessed be the Lord God our Savior who daily bears our burdens”. (Psalm 68:19) In the month of March, the Lord has been my portion, and His hand of blessing has protected me from evil. I visited some of the sick in the area (brother Candin and sister Valeria); we prayed together and I encouraged them. Brother Candid wished to be anointed with oil, and as a result of it, he was encouraged even more in his faith in the Lord. An event that I have been praying for, for a long time, was the evangelism on March 26th in Ponorel. As usual, God the Father has done more than I could have thought: Jicu, the husband of one of the sisters from our church, joined the service and was moved by the Holy Word. Also, Rafiluta, one of the most devoted women at the orthodox church, participated at the service for the first time ever (photo: Ponorel 3).

I praise God in all things. Prayer support for:

- for my family: for protection and health

- for Jicu, and for Rafiluta from Ponorel

- for the Easter services

May the blessings of God be over us!