Updates from January

With God’s help, we stepped into a new year. Blessed be His name! We pray that in this new year we serve diligently where God calls us.

January began with a week of prayer among many of the churches in our area. We took turns meeting for prayer in these churches, and thus enjoyed the fellowship with brothers and sisters in various places, praising God together and bringing our request before Him. Although it was very cold outside, the brothers and sisters came to prayer. These were evenings filled with blessings in which we felt the joy of the presence of God with us, which encouraged us to prayer. I very much liked to see how believers from many places were glad to meet every evening, interceding in prayer one for another and greeting each other warnky. After the evening service, we shared a meal together. One of the sisters encouraged us to do this more often as it was beneficial. The theme we focused on was: the family and outside attacks. We brought before God the families with spiritual and material problems. One special experience was in one of the families for which we prayed; after three weeks we saw how wonderfully God had answered the prayer.

Sister Maria Beza had not attended church in about a year. During this time, her husband was very sick, and in this situation he accepted the Lord as his savior, and became our brother in Christ. I had written in a different report that both his legs were amputated because of gangrene. His wounds have healed, but there were issues between the mother and the children. Due to this, his wife didn’t care for him anymore, and from all seven children, only one of the girls would help him with food and fire in the stove to warm up the room. This difficult and embarrassing situation got out to the neighbors who were talking badly about this family. After praying for them and doing house visits, God worked in such a way that they got back together despite the loss of hope to be a family again. Now Maria, his wife, takes care of her husband, and the issue with the children became very small. One of the girls does not go there, but we believe that the Lord will accomplish what was started in them. We had a big God. Glory to His name forever!

May the Lord bless and reward you for all you do for us.

Cornel Fogorosiu