News from December

Dear brothers,

We greet you at the beginning of this year and we pray for God’s blessings.

I want to thank the Lord for the wonderful way He has guided me, we praise Him for everything done in our lives and the lives of whom we have served, through His grace.

In December, our main concern was serving people in our community, especially around celebrating our Lord’s birth, but also helping families who needed spiritual or material help.

As we usually do, on Christmas Eve, we went caroling with a group of brothers and sisters. We have visited the sick ones. It was wonderful to see the joy on their faces, to encourage them and prayed for them. We did not announce our visit to either of them; this is why it was spontaneous. Veronica, who was a teacher, has been full of joy to be visited by us. She is paralyzed on left side. We have prayed for her and trusted her in God’s arms. She did not expect any visitors, but I told her that God loves her and has a special plan for her, to save her. She has been touched by that aspect.

Another example is the visit the family of Marius, who is 43 and has lung cancer. He was depressed, and after we have prayed for him explaining him that God knows all that happened to him in His love, he has started to open up. We pray the Lord would touch him and his body, for healing.

We visited brother Nicolae who has had an amputated foot. He was very happy for passing over this trial. He goes through hardship, we for mercy on him, and the two daughters who take care of him dearly.

Through this ministry, the Lord has opened up new doors and we praise Him.

At church, we have had the joy to see some of those whom we caroled joining us for the service. They have heard the Gospel. We pray for their hearts.

Also, the kids trained by Nuti have had a special program. The parents who are not saved have come to hear them sing. Again, it was a good opportunity to hear the Word, believing it will work in their lives at the right time.

Another wonderful ministry was the meeting with brother Nelu Sofrac, studying Nehemiah during November and December. The brothers were impressed by what they have heard. We believe it is a great benefit for the church.

We thank you for supporting us! God bless you!

Fogorosiu family

Cornel and Nuti