March 2017

First I want to praise God with all my heart. He is the only one worthy, for the wonderful way in which He worked during this time in our lives.

By the grace of God, in March we had a great opportunity to evangelize, with many people hearing the message of the Gospel. Together wit h other three churches in the area, we prepared through prayer and fasting, and God worked in a wonderful way. We shared a meal together, and then had an evangelism service. I was impressed to see how the church members got involved by inviting and bringing people. The event took place at the City Hall in the village of Rosia, and then in the town of Sibiu. In order for people to attend, we had to provide transportation. One of the brothers, Cosmin, was willing to give rides to people. Others hired a driver to transport people to the hall. There were over 450 people in Rosia, out of which 300 were invitees outside of the church. There were different meetings: one with families, one with professors and doctors, one with police and military officers, and one with youth. Each time God worked in a wonderful way. These were people who would have never come to a church. Some of them were deeply moved, and welcomed us to their houses. At the meeting with teachers, three of the school staff also attended the session with their entire family. They were moved by the event. We pray that the Lord would work in their heart, especially for Radu, Bianca and Nelia.

Another special even was at the church. Nuti my wife and another sister prepared a special program with the children for mothers’ day. The children invited their parents. It was a blessed time praising the Name of God, and many had the opportunity again to hear the Word of God. During the afternoon, all the women gathered for a time of fellowship where other women who do not come to church were invited. God blessed this time as well, a beneficial time both for our sisters and for the women who were guests.

We praise the Lord for so many opportunities, and we pray the He would grow the Word that was planted every time. We thank you for being our partners, and pray that God would bless you. 

Cornel and Nuti Fogorosiu