Family meeting

I wish blessings, health and success to all missionaries of the PIEI.

I came to my brother Alex. We always talk with him about the Bible. He attends the church sometimes and he is approaching God. I came to him with our cousins. They asked me why loving God let the awful war happened? I replied to them from the Bible, and then I asked them do they pray God? They replied that don't have enough time to read the Bible, to pray and to help somebody. I explained to them that on the judgement day, you will answer God for your life. We talked for two hours and I invited them to the church.

In the second picture, I am with guys that came to my front yard to play and to jump on the trampoline, I allowed them, but firstly you need to talk with me. Do you know that God loves children? I asked them. They replied yes, we do. But then one guy asked: Will God punish me if I lied to my mother? I explained to them everything they asked and invited them to the Sunday school at our church where they may learn more from the Bible.

Prayer needs:

1. For my brother Alex and my cousins.

2. For these guys so that God speak to their hearts.

Thanks to the mission PIE that helps us spiritually, materially and with medicines. God bless all of you!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa