Gospel for a classmate

I wish God’s blessing to all missionaries around all world. There are a few people on the streets because many men are on the war. I walk on the street and when I see somebody I start a conversation.

In the first picture I am with women on the bus stop, they were selling some products. On the right side is Danna who is 75, and on the left of me is Luchia who is 68. I asked them you promised me to start to read the Bible previous time. And Danna replied that she lives alone, and the Bible became the comforter for her. Especially I like Gospel of Luke where is written the parable about a rich man and Lazarus, about a prodigal son and about Zakhei. I replied Danna good job, you are good and please pray may God open you more. Come to the church, and seek God’s kingdom, read the Bible and love God. Luchia said that she reads rarely. I told her that we eat food at least three times per day, and we have a soul that needs to be fed as well. Then I told them my testimony.

In the second picture I am with my former classmate Valentina who is 68. She told that she and her husband were wondered when I repented. They always thought that the church is so boring with old people and old book. And they thought that I made a great mistake. Then I told her how I am happy with God.

Please pray about these families.

Thanks to the mission PIE that helps us spiritually, materially and with medicines. God bless all of you!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa