Italian came to listen to the Gospel

God bless all of you! The in Ukraine lasts for 1,5 of year. Due to the people reject God, so He let happen for a war, pandemic and drought. There are a little people in the store, at market and outside because of the war. You can not see young people because they are afraid to get to the military commissariat and go to the war.

In the first picture, it is Ivan, he sells watermelon at the road. Recently his wife died, so I asked him How are you? Did God comfort you with His love? When I repented you told me that would not be Christian for a long time and very soon I will come back to the Orthodox faith, do you remember that? He replied that he was young and wrong, and he did not know that God draws everyone to Him. You granted me the Bible, I read it and I have a lot of questions. We talked for an hour and I replied to all his questions.

In the second picture, I met my neighbor Aurika and her Italian husband, Gorge. He told that he is catholic and sometimes attends the church. But he knows only a prayer of our father. So I encouraged them to pray together and after a prayer they were wondered how I know such a good prayer. I explained that I learned to pray when I read the Bible. So I motivated them to do the same.

Prayer needs:

  • For Ivan so that he know God

  • For Aurika and Gorge, may they learn how to pray

Thanks to the mission PIE that helps us spiritually, materially and with medicines. God bless all of you!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa