Who is your neighbor?

In June I had the opportunity to talk to the neighbors across the church building, Vasil and Ileana, and their children Calin, George, Natasha and Marchel. They have no idea what a spiritual life means because they don't read the Bible and don't go to church. When they see me, Vasil and his wife Ileana, are always wondering to themselves how I can be so happy when encouraging others, and how I am able to work despite of my many surgeries. I explained to them that I can do that because my life is in the Lord's hands and He is in control of my life. With God it is easier to live in difficulties than without Him. My wish is to tell more people about the Lord and urge them to taste how good our God is! I invite everybody I talk to come to church and I pray for them. 

The Work of the Lord

On June 14th the church from Marshentsa visited the church in Fagadau. Both churches enjoyed the fellowship, praised the Lord through songs, poetry and sermons. It was a great joy as four people from the community came to church for the first time. We pray for them. 

On June 24th I invited a few young men to the mega evangelism that took place in Novoselitsa on the stadium. I drove them to the place and asked them to stay to the end of the service. Later I asked them if they liked the program and they agreed. We pray for those young people. 

We are praying for the PIEI youth summer camp and for the American team. Let the Lord give them health and protection during their journey. 

Please, pray for me to get healthy so I can keep working for the Lord. Thank you for your help. It means a lot. 

Best regards, Vasil Preutesa