Witnessing to Local Leaders

 In July I had the opportunity to talk to the village mayor. I urged him to listen to God’s will and ask wisdom to lead the village in peace because each problem can be solved by God if we obey Him. I thank the Lord that I can share the Gospel to the village leaders! Praise the Lord for this!

Praying for the Youth

I am grateful for the PIEI youth camp which was held in Boian since July 30 to August 4. May the Lord bless the American team, brother Pavel and sister Larisa Petihachny who worked hard during the camp. All the PIEI missionaries in Ukraine prayed for this camp. And as a result, on the last night of the camp more than 50 kids came in front to repent. Two young people from Vanchicauts who have been attending the camp for two years accepted the Lord. They are sister Zina’s neighbors. From Fagadau two boys accepted the Lord, Dima who is 15 and Valentin, 13. We praise the Lord for this. 

Please pray for these teens. I will keep in touch with them and talk to their parents also because their parents are unsaved. 

Thank you for supporting us through your prayers and financial support. May God bless you!

Vasil Preutesa