The Testimony of a Life

In May we started our evangelism with a funeral ceremony of a sister in Christ from Fagadau who repented in 1997 and who had a good testimony among her neighbors, relatives and villagers. Around 45 unsaved people attended the funeral. They had the opportunity to hear the Gospel twice, at the viewing and at the ceremony the following day. I invited them to church. I have spoken to the sister's children before her death about Jesus' love and repentance. We pray for them and for other people who heard the Gospel. 

Strengthening our Spiritual Structure

I was blessed to attend Dr. Terry Mortenson's apologetic conference on May 11 and 12. I had great fellowship with the Stef family, Cornel and Gabriela as well Dr. Terry Mortenson's wonderful wife, Margie. A lot of pastors and deacons and other workers in the church could build themselves spiritually at the conference. I thank brother Pavel and his wife, Larissa for the organization of that event. They worked hard and did a good job. May the Lord bless them and reward them with eternal life! I thank all the PIEI workers, especially the Stef family and Peggy and Bob Goldston for spiritual and financial support. May the Lorg give everyone His grace and peace!

Best regards, Vasil Preutesa