Visiting the Sick

Grace and peace from God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord through the Holy Spirit to all the brethren who pray for us and support us in the mission work! 
    At Easter I had the opportunity to visit the sick people of our church as well some sick people from the community who are not saved. I had the opportunity to talk to the children and relatives of the sick. When I visited sister Solomia, her children asked me whether I come from a repentant family. I told them I did not and started to tell them my story of disobedience to God and rebellion during Communism and how I started to read the Bible and how I repented. I answered other questions they asked me about my faith and about God. I suggested they read the Bible and find a church in their village. We pray for all the people who heard the gospel on those days to repent. 
    The youth of our church had a special Easter program at church and we also had unsaved guests for whom we pray.
    I thank you for praying for me and supporting me financially. I thank Peggy and Bob Goldston for the money they sent for medication. May the Lord reward your sacrifice with health, joy and eternal life! I thank you once again and may the Lord be glorified!

Looking Forward

    We pray for the conference that will be on May 11 and 12 with the Participation of Dr. Terry Mortenson. We pray for Pavel and Larisa Petihachny, to get health and wisdom from God to lead the event successfully and more people would be able to hear the truth in the Bible. May the Lord bless all the Partners in Evangelism from Ukraine and America!

Best regards, Vasil Preutesa