Peace to you brothers and sisters workers of the mission PIE!
Sincerely greet you with love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! May God bless you abundantly!
I always pray may God bless the ministry of our mission. Today as never before people in our country need spiritual and humanitarian assistance.
Recently, we are focused on evangelization among settlers. In our city are remain dozens of thousands of refugees. Every day except Sunday we go out on the streets and squares, settle a tent and offer to people different aid like literature, food, and clothes. Many of them have the desire to come to our church where we hand out the product packages. Some of them repented and serve God.
Last Sunday we conducted the baptism. 11 people joint to the Church of Christ, praise the Lord.
I continue to teach at a theological institute. Thank God that young people have the desire to study.
We have also problems. Due to the war, hundreds of people moved abroad from our church. But we continue to serve and help the people. More than 40 settlers inhabit our hostel at this moment. They lost their houses so they plan to stay here in our church this winter.
With coming up the Christmas we have a lot of plans for how to help people who ran out in a difficult situation.
I ask you to pray for the end of this war in our country.
I am grateful to God and you for everything.
With prayers for you,
missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigoriy