Writing a book


Peace and grace to you all workers of the mission PIE. I am grateful to God that I have an opportunity to address to you in 2021 and write to you about my spiritual activity.

By the mercy of God, we could perform many Christmas and New Year services, where were present not only believers members of the church but those who wished to spend together with us these holidays.

For the last month, three people converted to God and this fact delights us and our hearts.

I had the possibility to testify about Jesus Christ to unbelieve people through the radio broadcast. I often participate in the program "Spiritual advice" which is directed at people who are far from God. A lot of people write to us, call, ask many questions and ask to pray for them.

I continue to teach "Systematic theology" at the Institute. The last session was online with the ZOOM program. We pray that brothers can come to the Chernivtsi and take their places in the classroom.


We performed the youth meeting "CoffeeHouse" in our church. There were a lot of young people that came to talk with each other and desired to listen to the Word of God.

We have the plan to make many meetings that are directed at evangelization of children, youth, and the old generation.

Now I am working on writing the book about the history of the foundation of baptism in the North Bukovina region. I visit a lot of churches in our region for this goal, by the way, I attended the church in Nesvoia village. I had a meeting with brother Ivan Parpautz. If God blesses and helps us, this book will be printed in the summer or autumn of this year. I work for that and pray for it.

Thanks for your prayers and financial support.

With respect, prayer, and love to you,

Missionary in the Chernivtsi City, Grigoriy Pastushak.

Merry Christmas!


Peace and grace to you, dear brothers and sisters who are workers of the mission PIEI!

I sincerely thank our God that I have the opportunity and privilege to work with you on God`s field for His glory!

On this joyful Christmas day, we want sincerely to congratulate you on such a great holiday.

Let the rejoicing of Christmas fill your hearts and homes.

An angel on the Bethleem fields said to the shepherds: "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luk. 2:10, 11

We wish you may the Lord our God always encourage and help you in ministry for Him! Wish you and your families peace, happiness, kindness, and harmony!

Merry Christmas!

With respect, prayer, and love to you,

Grigoriy and Larisa Pastushak

Ordination in the church


I greet you all coworkers of the mission PIE on God`s field.

May God`s mercy and grace accompany all of us in our following Jesus Christ.

I am glad to inform you that God helps me in the ministry as in the church either among the people of our city.

During the last weeks occurred a lot of meetings with those who are believers and who have a lot of questions and problems in their lives. Besides that, I had meetings with unbelievers who need a personal touch and an impact on their situation. I testify to them about Christ as much as I can. Especially such appointments increased right before our local election.

For the last weeks, 6 persons had repented in our church, praise the Lord. Four of them have started to prepare for the baptism already. I am so glad about that because due to the pandemic the attending the church by people reduced considerably.


I pray that the Lord carries our local church through all these circumstances and we could grow as well spiritually as quantitatively.

Last Sunday we had the holiday in our church we ordinated new deacons. Among them is a missionary of the PIE mission it is Alex Pastushak. At once he has involved in the ministry in the Hertsa town. Praise the Lord.

I ask you do not to forget about us in your prayers. We need spiritual and moral support in this difficult time. Thanks for your financial support.

Send greetings to Marelyn and Karl please. I follow her on Facebook and look at her all posts. I am very glad of her, may God bless her.

We send greetings with my wife Larisa to all you dear brothers and sisters!

With prayer of you,

missionary in Chernivtsi City, Pastushak Grigoriy

Online children meeting


Peace to you dear my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ! I am grateful to my God Who loves us unlimited and protects us in such a dangerous world. Than closer is coming of Jesus Christ those more brightly appear signs of His returning. And we all can see them.

1. After the Baptism held in our church, we began to think about how to conduct services because the quarantine is going on and many people are sick. The decision had been agreed that we hold three services on Sunday to avoid the mass of people. Such measures give good results.

2. Now before us is the task of how to evangelize people in the pandemic situation. Because many people don't want to come and contact other people, they afraid to get ill. Nevertheless, God is doing His work. One woman came with her daughter to the Church last Sunday. She heard the sermon of Holly Word and knelt before God in the repent prayer. Praise the Lord!

3. We don't have a possibility to hold the children camp this summer so we held it online. This is an unusual method of communication with children but we need to get used to such practice. Almost all children held out until the end of the meeting and they got the presents.

Now the situation of the coronavirus is highly pressed and we pray that God protects all His children.

God bless and protect you too. I pray that your country has a good election.

Thank you very much for your support of my ministry. Take greetings from my wife Larisa.

With love and prayer for you pastor Grigory Pastushak.

The Baptism day


I greet you dear workers on God`s field! I have the honor and possibility to serve together with you in the Church of Jesus Christ.

We as a church have a difficult time now. Many bad things happen around us and that shows the end is near and soon is coming Jesus Christ. I am worrying that many Christians behave like no wise girls from the parable of Jesus.

Despite nothing, we move forward.

We had the baptism last Sunday with 17 people. It was a great holiday for our local church. Everyone who had the baptism was young, there were boys and girls. That shows us again how important is youth ministry.


This Sunday youth from our church and from our region are going to held the Fest. There would be a sermon of the Holy Word and a good rest for all people. I pray God may the youth turn to God through such meetings.

In the quarantine conditions, we upgrade our evangelization of people. Despite that many people reject the Word of God there are many who want to come to Jesus. We had a good case when one young woman came on the online service and decided to repent before God. There were no members of the church but only media team and preachers, but she came because she wanted to change her life. Before that, she watched our sermons on the internet and the Holy Ghost touched her heart.

I am glad that we can participate in material help for those who are needy. We are getting ready for the children's meetings now. This year it would be held online through the ZOOM. Children are open and they want to join this meeting so we`d like to use this opportunity to share them the Gospel.

I ask you to pray that we as the Church in such conditions would be faithful to God and could be done our purpose.

With love and prayer for you pastor Grigory Pastushak.

Challenges for the church


Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters of mission PIEI from me and our church in Chernivtsy City. May God bless all of you!

We have a hard time in our country like all world with a pandemic COVID-19. Our region is closed, and all citizens stay at home. It is prohibited to get out without serious reason. The government allows gathering groups not more than 10 people. So we transferred all our services into online broadcasting. Our media team worked a lot for that and they had done that perfect. So now almost every day we have services. Three regular congregations, Bible research, Children and youth meetings, testimonies and sermons.

This is a new period for our church with many challenges and temptations. So pray God we will be able to overcome this hard quarantine time.

Every Wednesday in the evening we have a dialog with our members of the church and ask them to tell us their story about how did they become Christians and how God had find them in this world.

A lot of people think that this pandemic is the end of the world and Jesus has to come even tomorrow. So, that is why we started the research on the book of Revelation. And pastors explained when and how will be started the end of the period of grace and Church and when Jesus will return to the Earth again.        

Prayer request:

  1. Pray God helps us to overcome this hard quarantine time.

  2. Pray for the health of my family. May God protect us from this virus.

  3. Pray for our city where is a great panic due to this pandemic. May God calm them and bring them to the church.      

Thank you very much for your support.

We continue to pray for you. Send greetings to Marilin and Carl, please. God bless!

With the prayer for you, pastor and missioner in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigory

Youth meeting


Dear Cornel, Gabriela and all workers of mission PIEI, peace to you! I thank God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for I can together with you carry out work on His field!

We have a session in our theological institute right now. And I continue to teach systematic theology. Praise the Lord that there are many brothers that come from region to study here. We extremely need young servants.


I told before that it is started a great opportunity to come out on regional television. Every Saturday and Sunday morning we broadcast short sermons of God`s Word. So everyone from our region who wants is able to hear that.

Besides that, I often participate in radio programs. People are interested, ask questions and criticize us sometimes, but we continue to spread the Gospel.

We actively carry out a teenager and youth ministry. A lot of guys and girls come to such meetings.

I thank God for the repentance of new souls. We are preparing for Easter now.

Thank you very much for your support.

We continue to pray for you. Send greetings to Marilin and Carl, please. God bless!

With the prayer for you, pastor and missioner in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigory

Introduction of our institute


I greet you, brothers and sisters! I am grateful to God for every one of you I can serve on His field with! Praise the Lord that blesses us generously and helps in everything.

We have a lot of different kinds of works that we execute to spread the Gospel in our city and in the world.

I had the opportunity to attend the severe regime colony in the Chortkiv city and to preach the Word of God there. We have a blessing there because it had organized a room of prayer there for the prisoners. It was gathered 20 people and the head of the prison. This ministry is very hard and I am very happy that our church is involved and supports one brother who is a leader of that prayer room and he visits them every week.

We have one more great opportunity to share the Gospel on our regional TV. Twice a week during 5-6 minutes, we appeal to citizens of our region with good news about salvation. I recorded several of these programs.

Except for that, we continue to preach for unbelievers through the RadioM. I am often invited there and I come to them with great joy. I continue to teach the students in our theological institute. This ministry takes a lot of time and strength. But it is too important in our time.

Just about spiritual education among different confessions of our region, a couple of days ago were occurred the meeting with a round table at the University of Chernivtsi. There were a lot of orthodox priests. I had the honor to introduce our fratery and appeal to all of them with salute words and with info about our spiritual educational institutions.

We have active work with youth and teenagers. This kind of people needs different support from elders in our days. Please, pray for we could to arrange a social ministry for people who would come to the church soon. This is very important not only to help them materially but show them a path to God too.

Thank you very much for your support.

With the prayer for you, pastor and missioner in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigory

Fostering the youth


Greet you, my dear friends!

I am very glad that I have a possibility to share with you with info of the conducted ministry last month.

During two weeks, I had taught systematic theology in our theological institute. This time we had researched the Christology and Eschatology. There are many students that want to study and realize their knowledge on the practice.

Besides that, I had an opportunity to share the Gospel in the different locations of our City.

We had prepared the people who are going to baptize which will be held on the first Sunday of December.

Praise the Lord that we have an opportunity to declare our faith with short programs on the local TV. God opened the door and we don’t need to pay anything. It broadcasts every Saturday and Sunday in the morning. So people in our region could hear the Word of God. Praise the Lord.

Also, I take participation in radio programs. I come there with the rejoice to tell people about Christ every time I am invited.

We continue to conduct junior and youth coffee houses. These meetings attend a lot of juniors and youth.

Now we start to get ready for the Christmas holidays.

Please, support us in the prayers for awakening and repentance in our city.

I send a greeting to all workers of the PIEI mission.

With the prayer for you, pastor and missioner in Chernivtsi Pastushak Hryhoriy

Youth fest at the Black Sea


Greetings to you all workers in mission PIEI with love and peace of Jesus Christ.

I would like to share with you the blessing which we experienced together with our church recently.

I had a great opportunity to attend the Fest of youth at the end of summer which occurred on the beach of the Black sea close to Odesa City. Almost 300 guys and girls were enjoyed not only with nice weather and warm water but the most important with joint worship and praise they glorified our Lord Jesus Christ along of 5 days. I performed a lecture for them about the spiritual armament of the Christian.

Recently our church greeted our sister in Jesus Christ Domku Ivanivnu with her 100th anniversary. She is a person who for her long age tried to serve Jesus with her faith and deeds. And now she attends our congregations and testifies to other people about her faith in Jesus Christ.

The season of camps is over as autumn has come. The last camp was for blind people. We conducted the evangelization service with our choir for them. Praise the Lord after the Gospel sermon four people were praying with the repentance prayer.

As new study season has come ministry with children and youth is increased. We prayed with all our church about all our pupils and students for their study and spiritual strength at the schools.

I pray God to help me to carry out my ministry with wisdom responsibility and seriously.

Thanks for your prayers and support.

Love you all!

With prayers of you pastor-missionary in Chernivtsi City, Grigoriy Pastushak


Now in our church, we have a children daily camp. Each day they come about 200 children and more. Most of them are from unbeliever families. Their parents come with them together. They asked about the church and what does it teach. That why this camp is evangelization for the elders too.

From 19 to 25 of July we conducted the crusade “From heart to heart”. The group of Americans came to Chernivtsi with the goal to share the Gospel with our inhabitants of our city.

They visit 5-6 homes every day where they talk with people and tell them about Jesus Christ. In result, a lot of people pray with repentance prayer.

I am going to go to the youth festival in Yuzhne town (Odessa district) on the next week.

I ask you to pray about:

1. All who were baptized, may God bless them to be faithful and fruitful.

2. Unbeliever children and their parents on the camp that they came to the Lord as their Savior

3. All people that were visited at homes may God revival them

4. Youth Fest may this meeting change the heart of youth and they become more dedicated for God.

Thank all of you, for your prayers, moral and material support. I pray about you and success in our ministry.


Pastor-missionary in Chernivtsi City, Grigoriy Pastushak