Introduction of our institute


I greet you, brothers and sisters! I am grateful to God for every one of you I can serve on His field with! Praise the Lord that blesses us generously and helps in everything.

We have a lot of different kinds of works that we execute to spread the Gospel in our city and in the world.

I had the opportunity to attend the severe regime colony in the Chortkiv city and to preach the Word of God there. We have a blessing there because it had organized a room of prayer there for the prisoners. It was gathered 20 people and the head of the prison. This ministry is very hard and I am very happy that our church is involved and supports one brother who is a leader of that prayer room and he visits them every week.

We have one more great opportunity to share the Gospel on our regional TV. Twice a week during 5-6 minutes, we appeal to citizens of our region with good news about salvation. I recorded several of these programs.

Except for that, we continue to preach for unbelievers through the RadioM. I am often invited there and I come to them with great joy. I continue to teach the students in our theological institute. This ministry takes a lot of time and strength. But it is too important in our time.

Just about spiritual education among different confessions of our region, a couple of days ago were occurred the meeting with a round table at the University of Chernivtsi. There were a lot of orthodox priests. I had the honor to introduce our fratery and appeal to all of them with salute words and with info about our spiritual educational institutions.

We have active work with youth and teenagers. This kind of people needs different support from elders in our days. Please, pray for we could to arrange a social ministry for people who would come to the church soon. This is very important not only to help them materially but show them a path to God too.

Thank you very much for your support.

With the prayer for you, pastor and missioner in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigory