The Baptism day


I greet you dear workers on God`s field! I have the honor and possibility to serve together with you in the Church of Jesus Christ.

We as a church have a difficult time now. Many bad things happen around us and that shows the end is near and soon is coming Jesus Christ. I am worrying that many Christians behave like no wise girls from the parable of Jesus.

Despite nothing, we move forward.

We had the baptism last Sunday with 17 people. It was a great holiday for our local church. Everyone who had the baptism was young, there were boys and girls. That shows us again how important is youth ministry.


This Sunday youth from our church and from our region are going to held the Fest. There would be a sermon of the Holy Word and a good rest for all people. I pray God may the youth turn to God through such meetings.

In the quarantine conditions, we upgrade our evangelization of people. Despite that many people reject the Word of God there are many who want to come to Jesus. We had a good case when one young woman came on the online service and decided to repent before God. There were no members of the church but only media team and preachers, but she came because she wanted to change her life. Before that, she watched our sermons on the internet and the Holy Ghost touched her heart.

I am glad that we can participate in material help for those who are needy. We are getting ready for the children's meetings now. This year it would be held online through the ZOOM. Children are open and they want to join this meeting so we`d like to use this opportunity to share them the Gospel.

I ask you to pray that we as the Church in such conditions would be faithful to God and could be done our purpose.

With love and prayer for you pastor Grigory Pastushak.