Challenges for the church


Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters of mission PIEI from me and our church in Chernivtsy City. May God bless all of you!

We have a hard time in our country like all world with a pandemic COVID-19. Our region is closed, and all citizens stay at home. It is prohibited to get out without serious reason. The government allows gathering groups not more than 10 people. So we transferred all our services into online broadcasting. Our media team worked a lot for that and they had done that perfect. So now almost every day we have services. Three regular congregations, Bible research, Children and youth meetings, testimonies and sermons.

This is a new period for our church with many challenges and temptations. So pray God we will be able to overcome this hard quarantine time.

Every Wednesday in the evening we have a dialog with our members of the church and ask them to tell us their story about how did they become Christians and how God had find them in this world.

A lot of people think that this pandemic is the end of the world and Jesus has to come even tomorrow. So, that is why we started the research on the book of Revelation. And pastors explained when and how will be started the end of the period of grace and Church and when Jesus will return to the Earth again.        

Prayer request:

  1. Pray God helps us to overcome this hard quarantine time.

  2. Pray for the health of my family. May God protect us from this virus.

  3. Pray for our city where is a great panic due to this pandemic. May God calm them and bring them to the church.      

Thank you very much for your support.

We continue to pray for you. Send greetings to Marilin and Carl, please. God bless!

With the prayer for you, pastor and missioner in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigory