Trip to the Donetsk region

I greet you, brothers and sisters of the PIE mission. Grigoriy Pastushak addresses to you. Thank God that I can serve Him together with you for salvation of many people.

We are living in not easy time. So, we need to use this time for sharing the Gospel.

For this reason, our church conducts different events to reach as much people as we can.

We continue to impart comprehensive aid for people who suffered due to the war.

We attend the military hospital where are many injured soldiers. Often they don't have here neither relatives nor familiars. They really need a help, firstly, spiritual and psychological help.

For a long time we cook a food and bring it to the psychological hospital. There are many military guys as well. They can not recover from physical and psychological trauma that they got on the front line.

Recently, I came back from the trip to Donetsk region. We visited three settlements: Ukrainsk, Girnik, and Surokine. We handed out humanitarian aid to the needy people, shared the Gospel, talked and encouraged people. They need God!

On these days I teach in our theological institute. There are many young brothers who want to study the Bible, so that really brings me joy to my heart.

We are preparing to perform the baptism, so we have a lot of preparation. If God’s will, we will have the baptism in December.

Please, continue to pray about awakening in our city and our nation. People are more concentrated on the war than on God.

I thank God for all of you! God bless!

With prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi Grigoriy Pastushak.