Baptism in Chernivtsi

I greet you with peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to share with you briefly about my ministry.

One event strongly impressed me, it is the trip to the Kherson. We visited villages that suffered after explosion of Kahovsk hydroelectric power station. People were really appreciated to us that we brought them humanitarian aid. Of course, we told them about Jesus Christ and prayed with them. The most of them cried because they lost their houses, and they left without resources for life. But God doesn't leave them in that misfortune.

Our church with its own resources performed action with help to the relatives of perished warriors. On these meetings, there were about 50 unchristian people. We had a possibility to share with them the Word of god and console them in their grief.

In the end of July, we conducted the baptism in our church. 10 souls joint to our church. So we thank God.

Summer is the term of different camps. We conducted VBS camp at the territory of our church. Each day almost 150 children had possibility to have fun, rest and the Bible lessons.

We had also camps for teenagers, youth, families, widows, blind people and they bring a good results. Because here are a lot of unchristian people who see everyday life of Christians. Afterward, they become to attend the church.

Besides of that we had various trips, seminars, evangelization in the city and at homes.

I pray that all such work achieve success and repentance of people.

Earnestly thank all those who help me in this ministry.

With respect and prayer for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi Grigoriy Pastushak