One more blessed month — PIEI

One more blessed month

Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters of the mission PIE.

May God bless all of you abundantly!

Last month, November was saturated for with preparing people to the baptism. During long period we met and learn doctrines of the Bible. And on the first Sunday of December the baptism by faith was held. 17 people gave God the promise of good conscience. Praise the Lord! We are very joyful!

For this term I also had a ministry with students of our theological institute. Even now, I continue to teach the students. Young brothers have an enthusiasm to this case. That really cause development of our churches.

From time to time I am involved in the radio ministry. Our voices might be listened in the occupied territory. They write us their impressions of that heard, and thank that can hear the Word of God.

We had an ordination of three deacons and one evangelist.

Our Church continue to share the Gospel with various ways:

- We have regular meetings with unchristian children in one of the civil library.

- We help and visit injured soldiers who are in the military hospital.

- We feed sick people in the psychiatric hospital.

- We go to the east of Ukraine with humanitarian aid.

Now we are preparing to the Christmas holiday. We want to reach out many people with the Gospel. We prepare gifts for children and needy.

Also, we constantly pray for a peace in Ukraine. Please for us!

I sincerely thank you for your comprehensive help in my ministry!

With respect and prayer for you, Grigoriy Pastushak.
