School of Young Timothy

No doubt one of the major events for our church in the last month was conducted at the School of Young Timothy. Young boys 12-15 years old had a chance to talk with pastors during 3 days. This meeting was in the Carpathian Mountains at the rest base.

This time, which was conducted with young boys who will be able to conduct ministry in our church, was dedicated to studying God's Word and an active rest.  The theme of this seminar was "Successful boy"

We had a one-day walk and climb to very the famous and beautiful Carpathian peaks. There was a strong rain in the end of our walk, but it could not spoil the good mood of our team. All boys were very satisfied and happy.

We hope that meetings and walks like this will form the boys with the constant character of a man and servant of God.

Summer Preperations

Besides this, during the last month we have been preparing people for baptism. Praise the Lord, about 20 people came to these lessons.

Now we are preparing for the children's camp which will be conducted in the church territory. We are praying about this and gather the resources.  We have many other plans that require a lot of our attention and time.

We are looking forward to see Cornel and the team that will conduct a camp in Boyany. God bless your arrival.

Best regards, Postusak Grigory