The Importance of a Bible

On the beginning of May the popular musical group "Nabat" was attended our church, they are from Moldova Beltsi City. More than 30 years this group travel throw all world with one goal is to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ.

But the major event of May was the conference with T. Mortenson. Terry showed us from high scientific view that human and environment is created by God. This subject is very actual in this days for everyone, specially for young people, because they study a Darvin`s theory at school. By the way, there is one petition on the web site of president in which they ask to provide to school curriculum an alternative theory Creationism.

This month I had also a meeting with pastors of large churches from all Ukraine. This conference occurred in the town Irpin with the leadership of Union ECHB.

On one of congregations they visited our church, the representatives of Ukrainian Biblical Association, which are engaged in translation, printing and spreading Bibles in the Ukraine. They had an exhibition of Bibles where everyone could buy whatever you want.

 We had a peace march in the center of our City, we wanted to protect our family and Christian values in Ukraine.

Reaching Families and Youth

We made for our church a family holiday at the Aqua Plus base. Around 50 children and 100 parents could have a rest and talk with the fresh air on the nature.

We also had two coffeehouse meetings one for youth and one for children. Many unchristian young people could see how praise the Lord and have a rest boys and girls from the Church.
Now we pray and prepare to summer camps.

Best regards, Postusak Grigory