House of Peace

In July V. Antonyuk, who is the head of our union of ECHB of Ukraine, came to our church "House of peace". We had a great and meaningful conversation about a lot of subjects that are very concerned with our churches. In particular, we talked about the challenges nowadays which the church of Jesus Christ has to face. What have we to do? How do we behave and go through this period of history  with dignity?

We had a children's camp on the territory of our House of Prayer. Almost 250 children came here each day to spend time together. They had different games, songs, Bible classes, quizzes and etc. Most of them were from unbeliever families. On the last day many children came with their parents.

Delegates From Other Regions

On the last Saturday of the month I had the opportunity to meet with all the PIE coworkers in our region. Thanks to God for Cornel and Gabriela, who together with the team from USA came to us to Bucovina and held a camp for Romanian children. I pray that the mission of PIE will develop in ministry and encourage people.

In the last days we were preparing to meet the delegation of ministries from Donetsk region in the military action zone. We want to make rest for our brothers in the Carpathian mountains and pray they can obtain new strength for next spiritual work.

Postusak Grigory