Day of the City


I want to share with you all the blessings the Lord has given me last month in His ministry.

At the beginning of October our town Chernauti celebrated the "Day of the City" and I was invited to pray for our city together with other brothers from other confessions. This prayer was in the central square of the city, where a lot of people crowded at the prayer for the city of Chernauti and for peace in Ukraine.

At church we had guests from Germany, a male choir and preachers who spoke the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. We glorify our God as at the end of the service a young girl repented (her name is Alina).

I also took part in the evangelization at the Baptist church No 2, where they celebrated 40 years since the inauguration of the church.

Spiritual Advice

Besides, I spoke live at the Christian radio in the "Spiritual Advice" program. The topic was “The Condition When God answers Prayers." A lot of radio listeners were asking many questions to which, with the help of the Lord, I gave answers.

Fr.Pastusac la intalnirea cu familiile tinere din biserica.jpg

We have two more weddings this month and the wedding time comes to an end this year. We are glad that new families are being created in our church, and we pray for them.

Now we are preparing for the New Testimonial baptism that we are having on December 2. I am teaching discipleship to the candidates for baptism and pray for them. We still have many projects to evangelize our city, pray that the Lord will work in these ministries.

Thank you for the prayer and financial support. May the Lord bless you and reward you! My family is sending you warm greetings.

Best wishes, Postusak Grigory