Coffee House Ministry, and More

Greetings from Ukraine!

La Cafe Hause cu familiile tinere.jpg

In November we worked a lot at the preparation of the candidates for baptism that is to be held on the first Sunday of December. We are very glad for the youths who decided to make covenant with the Lord through Baptism. We pray for them to be good followers of Christ. 

I have taught a course in Christology to the students at the Theological institute. We enjoy the students and pray for them. 

I went live at the Christian radio of our city. A lot of people listen to this radio and they often call and ask different questions. We pray for every one of them. 

We regularly hold meetings for youths at the Coffee House where around 400 youths come. 200 children attend the Sunday school every Sunday. We also organize meetings for the youths of our church where we discuss different current topics. We pray for these ministries. 

Our church hosted a regional women’s conference which was attended by the 800 sisters from Chernivtsy region. We are glad that our sisters in Christ support the ministry through their prayers. They also help the people in need. 

We are getting ready for the winter holidays. We pray that more people could come to church. Our youth are getting ready to go caroling at the people’s houses at Christmas. We pray for this ministry. 

We continue to pray for our country. We pray for peace in Ukraine and to avoid war in the whole country. 

Thank you for supporting us in our ministry. Please pray for peace in Ukraine. 

My family is sending you lots of greetings and greet you with a Merry Christmas! May the Lord bless you! 

Best regards, Postusak Grigory