Blessing our Students

Dear brothers and sisters, 

I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus! 

2018.09.30 Неділя, Вечірнє служіння (День Подяки) - YouTube - Google Chrome 2018-10-27 21.57.22.png

The first fall month has passed away! It was a beautiful month in which we could work full in God’s vineyard. We started the month by blessing the students and pupils from our church for another new school year. We prayed for them, entrusting them to the Lord. There came in front of the church around 500 youth and children. May the Lord bless them al!  

We are glad that after the evangelisms we had in September two young boys accepted the Lord.  We pray for them to be strengthened in their faith and to become good followers of Jesus. Already on the first week after the summer holidays our youth gathered at the Coffee House where around 400 youth attended the meeting and had fellowship around the Word of God. 

On September 15 we had the entrance exams at the Theological Institute. 15 new students were admitted to the institute and in October they are starting their study. We pray for them too.

Hearts in Ukraine

On September 23 our youth and the other youth all over Ukraine went to Kiev to celebrate Thanksgiving in the main square of our capital. There were around ten thousand people who praised God for His blessings and who heard the Gospel. May the Lord work on the hearts which still haven’t opened to Christ. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to preach freely the Gospel, so we use any occasion to do it. We believe that the seed sown will not come without harvest. 

Ziua Multumirii la Kiev.jpg

Our church celebrated Thanksgiving on September 30. We had a great service where we thanked God for all His blessings: for food, harvest, clean water, peace in our area and other spiritual blessings. 

I spoke live on the radio twice in September. We pray for all who listen to our radio programs. 

Thank you for supporting us financially and with your prayers. My family is sending greetings to you. We pray for you to be healthy and to be blessed abundantly for your sacrifice. Continue to pray for us and for peace in the eastern part of Ukraine. 

Love, Postusak Grigory

Ziua multumirii la Kiev pe peata centrala a orasului.jpg