June 2017

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace of the Lord!

I thank the Lord for blessing me last month to work in His vineyard and to see wonderful results of the repentance of those who seek the Lord, praise Him!

At the beginning of the month I had a biblical seminar with a group of students in the Carpathian Mountains. After the Bible lessons, we had the opportunity to climb up the mountains and praise the name of the Lord who created everything so wonderful. The nature and the sights that surrounded us were so splendid that we didn’t have enough words to thank God for everything he has done for us. We climbed on one of the highest mountains of the Carpathians and thanked the Lord through songs and prayers. How great is our God!

During June I did discipleship lessons with the candidates to the Baptism to be at the beginning of July. We pray for this ministry.

In church we organized a day camp for teens who have completed grades 7-8. They studied the book of Philippians. Every afternoon after the lessons and contests they were practicing what they have studied that day, by visiting the sick and the old people in the retirement homes.

On the last Sunday of the month the congress of the Baptist brotherhood from Chernauts region took place at the House of culture that is in the central park of the city. In the morning we joined all Baptist churches in the city and had a Sunday service in that place. Then in the afternoon the congress started where a lot of guests from Chernauts region, from Kiev and from abroad were present. Among the dearest guests at the congress there was the former pastor of our church, Victor Shvets, who lives in the USA now. It was a great opportunity to preach the Gospel with choral songs, instrumental music and strong sermons. We were glad for the three people who accepted the Lord at the congress. We pray for them to be strengthened in their faith for Jesus and for us to be open to work with them.

We are preparing for new projects at the moment, such as camps, outreaches. We pray God to bless us in the ministry, and may His Name be glorified!

Receive lots of greetings from my family. We pray for you and for the American team to come in August. May the Lord bless you and protect you! May the Lord bless your ministry in Ukraine!

Best wishes, Pastushak Gregory