October 2017

I thank the Lord for helping me to work in His vineyard. More and more we are feeling the Lord’s coming by watching the catastrophes happening very often all around the world as well by seeing the church’s faith. All these factors urge us to work more zealously, earning people for God. 

In October on the occasion of 500th anniversary from Reformation, we had 5 evangelisms at church where we invited many unsaved people to hear the Gospel. Guests from abroad, singers and groups of singers, choirs and preachers took part in the evangelisms. We praise the Lord for awakening young people to repentance. We pray for all people who dedicated their lives to Christ. 

The youth had two meetings at the Coffee House. Many unsaved young people came to hear the Bible Study and took part in the Bible contests. We pray for these young people. 

I taught Systematic Theology at the Theological Institute. I am happy that the students are eager to study the Word of God. We pray for them to be used by the Lord in His ministry. 

I spoke on the local radio answering to the listeners’ questions. Many listeners were from the war area and they were interested about the situations from our country. 

At the moment I am teaching discipleship to the people willing to get baptism on December 3rd in our church. We pray for the evangelism and for the people who will attend this event to be touched by the Word of God. Also we pray for the candidates to the baptism to be strengthened in their faith. Besides we pray for you who work with us. May the Lord bless you and reward you! Receive many greetings from our family. 

Best regards, Pastushak Gregory